Áreas de selva são encontradas em todo o mundo ao redor do equador, como Brasil, Congo e Tailândia, Malásia. Tudo é relativo, afirmou Einstein. Muito ou pouco é uma questão de definição (compare política).
Everything is relative, claimed Einstein. Much or little is a matter of definition (compare twins, politics). A lot of plants in a plastic box from Clas Ohlsson, but little if you compare it to the real jungle where the trees can grow over 25 meters high. Indoors, there can be plants that grow 10 meters high.

In June and July the greenery may be excessive > greater than exspected in Stockholm 60 N because the sun light contains energy. But the greenery in a C reation is more around the equatorial areas z.B. Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Camerun, Brasil, Thailande Siam.