Vårsalongen 2022
Steget Framåt och Nätverket var på Liljevalchs Vårsalong.
Steget Framåt och Nätverket var på Liljevalchs Vårsalong.
ABC – A monstera Monstera deliciosa reaches ceiling. Español fácil de leer: ¡Una planta, una planta! Plants growing all together from differents continents (Africa, South America, Australia, Asia) joined by roots by growing in a 12Liter plastic pot from Clas Ohlson. Plants from different continents can grow together, just like some smallfishes from different continents … Excessive hyperbolic cultivation of plants
Twins or equal is en example of polylogic, compared with polynoms in mathematics. Equal (NT) and Not (OT) perheps may be unioned to equal and not. Polylogics are complex logical expressions. You put them together as Lego pieces and get new logical functions and quantities. Siblings are further away than twins in terms of appearance … Twins or equal
There are at least four philosophical schools about our ice: The ice has a strength according to the law of Cause and Effect 1 + 2 = 3. (1) Snow and ice and distance mean that you do not know the thickness of the ice. (0U1?) Ice and open water may exist. (1&0) The spring … Ice is not easy
Hey smarties! La temperatura aumenta cuando llega la primavera. Floración. Floración de primavera. Grandes ranas se pueden ver en el paisaje. LE MONDE FRANCOPHONE Quelle langue est la langue de la diplomatie ? [01001100] Zéro ou un? OUI? Congo = le français, Lingala Senegal = le français, Wolof Guyane française = le français, español, Quechua … Free proposed STUDY CIRCLE
O alfaiate pode viver em rios, córregos e lagos. Ele nada em cima da superfície da água ou até caminha sobre a água (Marcos 6:48 ”andando sobre as águas”). Como o escorpião de água, às vezes é um necrófago, que pode comer das carcaças. Ele encontra seu alimento nutritivo diretamente da água do rio a … São Miguel – um paraíso para alfaiates de insetos!
Logical-political tips from Rodenskolan, Norrtälje 1987: (SSU 1) One can read conclusions directly from the logic table with ruler and Latin intersection. 1+2=3 (SSU 2) There can be logical decimal numbers from little to much like the camels’ humps. Attendance at school can sometimes be less than 100% but greater than 0. binary numbers 0; … Logic and/or IQ-table.