ΕΛΙΚΟΠΤΕΡΟ Τηλέφωνο : Helicopter refueled (NECESSE? EXISTENCE) direction north/ Helicópteroviaje interurbano

How long can one exist in a helicopter after refueling? Existential questions are derived from the Triangle inequality, where the need function is also taken into account. In 1991, the Swedish Defense Force mentioned, for example, Maslow’s pyramid of needs, where one can nuance the needs from a lot to a little. When driving a helicopter, the right CLOTHES may not be the most important thing, but that the engine needs petroleum FUEL to function. Why might it not be so sensible to remove the helicopter doors when the pilot is flying up in the air?

Rule of memory (Creation ): All exist <-> all needed : Construction

AIR FRANCE (industrially produced aircraft) does not remove cabin doors during flight. Safety rule.

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