The reedsbridge is a bit conservative. It protects and preserves the reed so that it does not get trampled. Near the reeds there is running water, where people take advantage of the ”ALLEMANSRÄTTEN” and canoe in the summer. If the bridge instead went at a low height above the water, there would have been a conflict between nature conservatism and general outdoor enthusiasts. But when the bridge does not affect the river, the conflict does not exist. Canoeing is possible. It is possible to step into sensitive biotopes of reeds, without damaging plants. Everything becomes a green (C)reation.

Autumn can contain many colors in São Micheal such as yellow and green.
(¿¡) El puente de juncos es el PARTIDO POPULAR en España (!?): El puente de juncos conserva los juncos. Protege la caña para que no sea pisoteada. El conflicto con los piragüistas según el derecho consuetudinario no se produce porque el puente no cruza un arroyo/ riachuelo, sino que sale en sensibles juncos. Puedes ir en canoa. Puedes caminar con cuidado en los juncos sin dañar los juncos. En el verano, mucha (C)reación verde.