Nederland is opfinder!

CD Ambassad Amsterdam [understatements diplomacy under- <1 ] . Als men met het vliegtuig naar Parijs loopt, kan de passagier de behoefte voelen om stront naar beneden te laten vallen. Mustus betekent stront in het Eesti Ests. Nederland is hieronder. Protestantse priester zegt in de kerk: ”Alle goede dingen komen uit de hemel”. De behoefte Nederland is opfinder!

Icy road conditions in Norrtälje.

Norrtälje. Porshanksbacken. The Swedish Road Administration lacks resources. You may not have the energy to clear all the small roads at the taxpayers’ expense. Priority is given to the 75 km motorway and major country roads. Hypothesis Υπόθεση 0U1? :.

PlantLogic: Avocado 2 twins and 2 crotch

Logic is a loanword from Greek, just like telephone. Greek flag resembles a blue striped logic board metaphor. Exaggeration > υπερβολή greater than = balance and laconic λακωνισμός understatement < less than. Icy ice is not easy.

Monstera plant

Reservation! Since the owner/writer/journalist is missing all his books after court punishment, the Monstera advice is not exact quotes but more loosely put together based on practical experience with tropical houseplants. D. Philosophy: Many tropical plants are missing and killed…