PhonePage: zebra donkey painting logic – perhaps a Greek paradox?

Thanks goes to the Reorientfestivalen 1997 in Stockholm, who exhibited zebra, donkey and camel at Gärdet near the Turkish embassy and sold music from the Middle East. Even a moderately gifted person could understand that both the donkey and the zebra ate grass (latin herbavores), without insinuating that they received too little food with scarce PhonePage: zebra donkey painting logic – perhaps a Greek paradox?

Mustus means dirt in english!

Mustus means dirt or shit in Estonian. Only must means the color black. In Swedish, Must is a popular drink with a dark color. Must in English expresses need.

Nederland is opfinder!

CD Ambassad Amsterdam [understatements diplomacy under- <1 ] . Als men met het vliegtuig naar Parijs loopt, kan de passagier de behoefte voelen om stront naar beneden te laten vallen. Mustus betekent stront in het Eesti Ests. Nederland is hieronder. Protestantse priester zegt in de kerk: ”Alle goede dingen komen uit de hemel”. De behoefte Nederland is opfinder!