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Subarctic bushlayer (not cut down yet).
Subarctic bushlayer contain living organisms: mice, spiders, small birds, …, beetles. Vad händer med den ekologiska jämvikten om man tar bort alla buskar (10.000 nedhuggna buskar Parken, Uddeboö vägskäl utmed Gillfjärden orillas). Varför producerar buskarnas löv syrgas (världsrekord STOCKHOLM Barn narkos och les baguettes en bois)?
What has burned down? Who are to blame? Who is guilty? 112 number??
SKANSEN: Green environmental surface with green oxygen plants/ Superficie ambiental con los monos
Green plants (A ALL) produce oxygen, according to the photosynthesis hypothesis, which is breathed in by living creatures on land but also by fish and microorganisms in water. But there (E EXIST) are exceptions to the general rule: Anaerobic bacteria can exist without oxygen and start their consumption in oxygen-poor environments, according to Wikipedia 2024. … SKANSEN: Green environmental surface with green oxygen plants/ Superficie ambiental con los monos