
Ecology: Why is the bushlayer needed?

ALL EXIST (C)REATION existence ”To be or not to be.” (Shakespeare) Att existera. En enskild människa. Ur existens uppstår behov. En människa behöver mängd för att existera. En balans uppstår mellan existens och ägodelar. Själlösa djur kan inte förnimma vanlig äganderätt. Hunden brukar inte vara ägare till gårdens traktor. Katten äger inte pojkens cykel. Att Ecology: Why is the bushlayer needed?

ΕΛΙΚΟΠΤΕΡΟ Τηλέφωνο : Helicopter refueled (NECESSE? EXISTENCE) direction north/ Helicópteroviaje interurbano

How long can one exist in a helicopter after refueling? Existential questions are derived from the Triangle inequality, where the need function is also taken into account. In 1991, the Swedish Defense Force mentioned, for example, Maslow’s pyramid of needs, where one can nuance the needs from a lot to a little. When driving a ΕΛΙΚΟΠΤΕΡΟ Τηλέφωνο : Helicopter refueled (NECESSE? EXISTENCE) direction north/ Helicópteroviaje interurbano

Oscillating moving spinner y =sin (ωt) (!?)

AN APOLOGY-EXCUSE Since the author of the article lacks his ”persian pockets” referring to books in entomology, the classification of the insect has been omitted. But the definition is free. ”Persian pocket” can refer to whatever as an object variable, according to the philosophical freedom liberté of man.